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Skin Care

Are You Blowing Your Budget on Skincare?

Many beauty influencers have convinced ordinary people that they need to spend a lot of money on skincare products and treatments for gorgeous, glowing skin. This isn’t true.

These influencers will spend thousands of dollars per week for the sake of their skincare. Unless you have the same income as them, you shouldn’t follow their advice. It’s going to wreak havoc on your finances.

The Risks of Overspending

The problem with spending beyond your means — whether it’s for skincare or anything else — is that it puts you in a vulnerable financial position. You’re going to take on debt that you can’t pay off quickly. You’re going to drain your savings. And you’re not going to be ready to cover any emergency expense. What will you do when your car breaks down? Or your furnace stops working?

You need to smooth out the wrinkles in your personal finances before you worry about the ones on your face. Start by making sure that you can cover emergency problems. Follow a budget and collect savings at the end of every month.

Another option is to apply for a small loan so that you can handle emergency expenses. Click here to find out what are small loans and what qualifications you need to apply for them. If you meet those qualifications, you can apply and use the funds when you don’t have enough savings available.

Finally, you should make some strong adjustments to your skincare spending. Here are some tips that will help you cut costs and save money:

Simplify Your Routine

You don’t need to pack your medicine cabinet with serums, lotions, oils and creams. You need three affordable products: a gentle cleanser, a moisturizer and sunscreen with an SPF above 30.

Simplify the type of products that you are going to use. Make sure that you stick to tested and proven dermatologic skin care products at al times. You do not want to suffer from any adverse side-effects later on after using badly made cosmetic products that are just marketed well. Please do not fall into that trap anymore.

Money shouldn’t be the only incentive to simplify your routine. Did you know that adding too many skincare products into your regimen can cause skin problems? Product ingredients can clash and overwhelm your skin, causing more breakouts.

Use Coupons

You don’t have to pay full price for your skincare products. Use coupons and discount codes when you’re shopping to cut down the prices, like Vichy France which offers such exciting offers on skincare products. If you’re interested in trying more expensive skincare treatments, like microneedling or facials, find Groupons to trim down the costs.

Do Your Research

Doing a little bit of research before you go shopping will help you find products that work for you. This will stop you from wasting your time and money.

What kind of research? Learn what skin type you have and what kinds of ingredients work best with it. Read through online reviews to see what past customers have said about the product. If you see a lot of complaints that send off alarm bells, don’t add the item to your cart.

Focus on Free Habits

There are plenty of healthy habits that can help you improve your skin without costing a thing. One of these habits is getting enough sleep. Sleep deprivation can do a number on your skin — you’ll have more acne breakouts, inflammation, dryness and puffiness. So, get your beauty rest.

Another healthy habit? Clean the things that touch your face every day! If you wear makeup often, you should wash your makeup brushes on a regular basis. If you make calls on your smartphone all of the time, wipe down the screen. These surfaces collect sweat, dirt and germs that will irritate your skin.

Your skincare routine shouldn’t be breaking the bank. Follow these tips so that you have clear skin and a full wallet.