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Skin Care

Autumn Skincare: 6 Hacks to Adjust Your Routine to the Season

Autumn Skincare: Autumn is many people’s favorite time of the year. Colorful leaves are falling from the trees and crunching underfoot. The air is fresh, but not yet too cold to enjoy. We’re starting to prepare for the holidays and Halloween, and we’re getting cozy at home with hot chocolates and our favorite chunky jumpers. We’re enjoying shopping for woolly hats and scarves. It’s a lovely time filled with color and excitement.

Your skin, however, might not share your passion for fall. Plummeting temperatures and harsher winds can mean that your skin is dry and flaky. Greasy comfort foods can lead to breakouts and oily t-zones, and while skincare is easy in the summer when we’ve all got a natural sun-kissed glow, in fall, it’s much harder to keep your skin healthy and soft, and looking good takes a little more effort.

Here are six of the best autumn skincare hacks to keep you looking and feeling great as the season settles in.

1. Upgrade Your Sleep

Sleep is one of the best things that you can do for your skin. Sleeping gives your skin (and the rest of you) the chance to rest and recover from the day that you’ve just had. Getting enough quality sleep gives your skin a chance to tighten and brighten.

But, for your sleep to be effective, you need to do it right. Make sure you take your makeup off before bed and apply a moisturizing night cream.Wash your bed linen regularly to prevent the spread of bacteria and avoid caffeine and sugar in the hours before bedtime.

2. Get to Know Your Skin

Your skin isn’t like anyone else’s. But your skin isn’t the same as your skin was a few years ago either. Just because you used to have oily skin,doesn’t mean that you still do. Don’t make the mistake of blindly buying products based on the skin type you think you’ve got, or that you used to have. Get to know your skin today, this season, and buy suitable products.

Replacing products frequently can be expensive, but beauty products don’t have to break the bank if you take the time to find the right deals and invest in good quality.

3. Keep Your Eye Cream in the Fridge

Getting out of bed on colder mornings is tough. Many of us walk around all day with bags under our eyes because we’re permanently tired and never fully alert.

Keep your eye cream in the fridge and apply it first thing in the morning. The cool cream or gel will soothe tired skin, reduce puffiness under your eyes, and even help you look and feel more alert.

4. Boost Your Bath Time

A good bubble bath is a perfect chance to soothe achy muscles, treat your skin, and boost your mood. There’s little more comforting than a bath after a cold day. So, make the most of it. Fill your bath with moisturizing oils and delicate scents, and make sure the water isn’t so hot that it damages your skin.

5. Prioritize Hydration

Even oily skin can dry out during the fall months. Hydration needs to be your priority if you want to keep it healthy and fresh. Drink lots of water and use a thicker moisturizer than you would in the summer months.

6. Add Some Color

Fall is filled with gorgeous deep colors. Enjoy the season by welcoming some of them into your makeup routines. Splash out on some bold colors to refresh your look as the weather turns.

Autumn is the perfect time to indulge in some pampering, to take care of yourself, and to invest in some self-care. In no time at all, you’ll be holiday shopping and taking care of everyone else, so for now, treat yourself.