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Health & Fitness

7 Signs You Have Low Testosterone

Men’s testosterone levels can start to fall around 30, but this is usually not a concern. However, if your testosterone levels drop too low, it may negatively affect your relationships, general health, and day-to-day functioning. If you believe you are experiencing signs of low testosterone, the staff at Atlas Men’s Clinic can test your testosterone levels and address your symptoms.

Here are a few typical signs of low testosterone, which can significantly improve with the right treatment.

1. Problems with erection

In addition to enhancing sex desire, testosterone aids in obtaining and maintaining an erection. An erection is not brought on by testosterone on its own. It promotes erections by activating nitric oxide-producing brain receptors. Nitric oxide is an essential component of the intricate chemistry that causes an erection. Men with low testosterone have trouble getting and keeping an erection before and during sex. They could also observe that they no longer experience the same spontaneous erections they used to have while dozing off or first thing in the morning.

2. Hot flashes

You experience a rapid burst of heat when a hot flash happens, occasionally accompanied by sweating and a red, flushed face. Hot flashes result from the expansion of blood vessels near the skin to cool down, causing sweating. Night sweats are the term for heat flashes that occur at night and can affect how well you sleep. Women frequently have hot flashes, particularly after menopause, when estrogen levels change. Hot flashes can happen to men who have low testosterone.

3. Low sex drive

A man’s sexual desire is significantly influenced by testosterone. Although it is typical for other men to endure a gradual drop as they age. Men with low testosterone levels suffer a more pronounced decline in libido.

4. Hair loss

Testosterone contributes to the growth of hair in addition to other bodily processes. For many guys, becoming bald as they age is natural. In some cases, parents pass on balding genes to their kids. However, Men with low testosterone are more likely to lose their body and facial hair.

5. Impaired memory

Naturally, as we become older, our physical and mental abilities deteriorate. Both testosterone levels and memory performance fall under this. According to medical authorities, the decline in its levels causes memory issues. Some medical studies claim that men with low testosterone who use testosterone supplements see an improvement in their memory.

6. Reduced bone mass

Osteoporosis, commonly known as bone thinning, is a disease that typically affects women. However, lower-than-normal testosterone levels also decrease bone mass in males since it forms bone tissue and maintains bone volume. Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome in older men makes them more prone to bone loss, which puts them at higher risk for fractures.

7. Increased body fat

Low testosterone might increase body fat even though it also reduces muscle mass. Gynecomastia, a disorder where the breast tissue enlarges, can affect men with Testosterone Deficiency Syndrome. In men, gynecomastia results from an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen.

You do not have to endure the inconvenient symptoms of it as you age. Seeking treatment for your condition can help you feel better. Call Atlas Men’s Clinic to book your appointment for low testosterone treatment.