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Types of Grains or Pimples that Exist and How to Eliminate Them? | Divine Beauty

Not only there are pimples, but there are also several types of blisters or Grains that can harm your skin.

Virtually no skin gets rid of ever having a pimple, and while these rashes usually caused by excess sebum, not all the same.

Experts point out that there are several types of grains that must treat differently to eliminate them permanently.

So before using the remedy that worked for your friend to remove her pimples or grains, know what types of pimples you have and why they arise.

Only in this way can you find the ideal remedy to have healthy skin and free of blemishes.

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Grains Types

According to Cristina Galmiche, esthetician, and acne skin specialist, there are at least five types of pimples on the skin that must treat very specifically. Take note:

1. Mud and Pimple or Grains

The mud are rash skin best known and is an infection and inflammation that arises around the excretory duct.  It can seem at first glance on the surface, is usually red, and appears almost anywhere on the face.

It is necessary to have a very disciplined hygiene routine, with specific creams and, in severe cases, antibiotics and hormonal treatments to treat.  In the case of the pimple, it is a tiny pimple, with a white point that comes out because there is a small infection.

You can use a natural antiseptic like tea tree oil to reduce inflammation and the risk of scarring but never squeeze.  If the problem is severe, only a dermatologist can improve the problem.

2. Milium

These types of pimples usually appear in areas where there is little sebaceous or fat discharge, such as around the eyes.

It characterized by being a minimal and white rash, filled with a fat that cannot be removed by pressing.

Only a specialist can help you remove them, as specialized tools are needed to drain them.

3. Cyst

It is a rash that comes out because there is trapped fat, which looks white or yellow and manifests itself with small lumps on the skin.

In some cases, they can be microcysts that can only see through a magnifying glass.

One of the solutions that doctors have developed for these types of pimples. But is to prescribe antibiotics, as they do not disappear on their own unless medical treatment is received.

4. Black Dots

If you notice that there are black spots on your skin, especially in the nose, it is a saturation of fat in the excretory duct that, having contact with the environment, poor hygiene, and the use of makeup, turns black.

The best way to combat blackheads is to do a facial with a professional, although it helps to exfoliate the affected area at home regularly. There are even products that are specific to combat these blemishes.

5. Boil

Large grains, more than 5 centimeters, with a lot of sebaceous secretion. And also a high infection in the hair follicle, which is harrowing.

As much as you feel the temptation,should never squeeze them.  Because the drainage process must be done with stringent hygiene measures.  And with a technique that avoids the risk of permanent scars or the entry of new bacteria on the skin.

In this case, you should go to the dermatologist to make a small incision to help remove excess fat.

If you do it at home, you run the risk of bacteria spreading and reaching your blood.

Now you know what types of pimples you have to take care and avoid squeezing any rash that comes out. Because in most cases, you can worsen the problem and cause permanent scars.

Also Read: How to get rid of pimples?