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Lifestyle Wellness

3 Self-Care New Year’s Resolutions for a Brighter Year

New Year’s Resolutions: The start of a New Year has just begun. Do you have any resolutions? Many people stay away from making resolutions because, more often than not, they’re unrealistic or self-depriving and tend to make people feel worse about themselves rather than better. For example, if you promise to stop eating carbs for the rest of your life or that you’re going to quit your job and move to a tropical island, the chances of those ideas succeeding are relatively slim. And anyway, why would you want to deny yourself carbs? They’re delicious, and also, the body needs them to stay energized.

Instead of creating such lofty and deprecating goals, why not be kind to yourself this year? Over the last couple of years, a popular buzzword flying around the health and wellness sphere has been “self-care.” Self-care is the acknowledgement that you require just as much attention as those around you. To be the best person you can be, you need rest, care, and anything else that makes you happy. Self-care can be anything from committing to a daily two-hour nap to treating yourself to something that brings you joy. Let’s look at three self-care New Year’s resolutions that might inspire you to dive into this New Year differently.

1. Decorate Your Home With Flowers and Plants

It might sound a little frivolous, but placing beautiful flowers and houseplants all over your home will lift your spirits, even on those cold, dreary winter days. Looking at colourful flowers is scientifically proven to trigger dopamine levels (the hormone responsible for happiness), and green plants provide oxygen and eliminate air pollutants. Consider buying a few plants to refresh each room in your house. And find a few vases while you’re at it because you’ll need them for your new weekly supply of fresh flowers.

2. Finally Get That Procedure Done

Have you wanted to get your teeth whitened in Winnipeg for years? Have you also thought about consulting with a doctor about a chemical peel or Botox? Well, there’s no better time than the present. Many people ponder the benefits of teeth whitening, but don’t know how to begin the process. You can say goodbye to those coffee or red wine stains for good by locating your trusted denturist to provide you with expert information and service. If you’re looking to rejuvenate your skin this year, do a little research to see which Botox clinic is the best in your area. You deserve to look and feel your best, so take this opportunity to start the year off with a bang.

3. Devoting Time to Sleep

Many people forget the importance of sleep. With the stresses of work and the world’s events, it feels sometimes challenging to get regular solid rest. Look into sleep and meditation apps to download, and invest in calming essential oils and incense, such as lavender or chamomile. Consider incorporating a hot bath into your nightly routine to relax your muscles and mind.

You don’t have to promise anything this year except to honour your livelihood and importance. Surround yourself with nice things, do something that will make you feel incredible, and get some well-deserved rest.