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Five Common Risk Factors for Skin Cancer

Skin cancer is among the common types of cancer in the United States, and it can affect people of all ages. Typically, there is no form of cancer that is far much better than the other. Skin is, without a doubt, your number one priority, especially when you want to retain your gorgeous look. However, skin cancer is a deadly disease that can deny your natural appearance quickly. Fortunately, with advancements in medicine and technology, skin cancer Sanford treatments are here to address your concerns. Unlike the previous years, you can now receive skin cancer screenings and treatments under one roof. That said, a team of professional dermatologists pens down the typical risk factors for skin cancer and what to you need to do if diagnosed with it. Let’s dive in.

1. Having a fair skin

Anyone, despite the color of their skin, can get skin cancer. However, less melanin in your skin reduces the protection from deadly UV radiation. Additionally, having light-colored eyes and blond or red hair makes you freckle easily, thereby at risk of contracting skin cancer than those with dark skin colors.

2. Extensive sun exposure

Among the many other skin cancer risk factors, prolonged skin cancer is their worst. People who reside in high-altitude areas or where sunlight is bright year-round are more likely to develop skin cancer. Furthermore, spending much of your day in the sun without protective wear is a call for this deadly disease. Protecting your skin from direct UVA and UVB radiations is essential, especially if your skin type is susceptible to cancer.

3. Having a weak or suppressed immune system

Your immune system plays a critical role in eliminating genetically altered cells. People with weak immune system because of a bone marrow/organ transplant or those with an immune disease are at a higher risk of developing skin cancer. Such conditions weaken your skin’s ability to combat the early symptoms of skin cancer. Similarly, taking immunosuppressive medications carries the same risk.

4. Cases of genetic mutations

Mostly, genetic mutations in your skin cells can cause uncontrollable growth, leading to cancer. Such cells can remain dormant, unable to function effectively for years, which paves the way for cancer cells to form quickly. Even sunburns that occurred and stabilized in previous years can result in skin cancer in the modern days.

5. Moles

People with abnormal or many moles are more likely to contract skin cancer (melanoma) than those with less. These colored patches in your skin look irregular and are more likely to become cancerous. The moles might be dark, pinkish, or resemble your skin color. Be on the look at how they regularly form and seek medical help in case of abnormalities.

Safeguard your skin with our approach!

Nothing can destroy your skin color, like ignoring any early signs of skin cancer to extend to severity. However, you can take bold steps to seek screening services from an expert dermatology to be safer. Don’t listen to any myths! Skin cancer is treatable, and Sanford Dermatology offers many options to help you reclaim your original dazzling appearance.

To know your skin cancer status or for treatments, book your session with us today!