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Earth-Grown Vs. Lab-Grown Diamond Rings: Which Is Better?

Lab-grown diamonds are a bit controversial. They’ve recently attracted a lot of positive and negative hype. However, whether to buy earth-grown or lab-grown diamonds should be among your considerations when making a choice.

There’s no doubt that lab-grown diamonds are enticing, and you can get one at a lower price than an earth-grown one. However, while a lab-grown diamond might look the same as a natural one, will it endure like a natural diamond?

What’s The Difference Between Lab-Grown And Earth-Grown Diamonds?

Lab-Grown vs earth grown

Lab-grown diamonds are different from natural ones as they’re artificially created or created in a laboratory instead of being produced naturally. Typically, this is the only fundamental difference between them.

Artificial diamonds feel and look like natural ones. They come in different sizes and shapes that one will have such a difficult time telling the difference. Also, both lab-grown and natural diamonds are almost identical in terms of chemical structure.

On the other hand, natural diamonds are naturally made on the earth due to intense heat and pressure formed over hundreds of millions of years.

However, there’s a big gap in price, resale value, and desirability between lab-grown and earth-grown diamonds despite the similarities.

How Can You Tell The Difference Between Lab-Grown And Earth-Grown Diamonds?

As earlier stated, there’s no visible difference between lab and natural diamonds. In fact, even a trained gemologist requires specialized equipment to differentiate the two. With the help of magnification, a specialist can be able to tell the difference.

differences between diamonds

The best way to differentiate between a lab and a natural diamond is to check their certification. The jeweler should be clear on whether the diamond is natural or artificial, as long as the outlet is reputable. The jeweler should also provide the certificate for you to be sure. Ensure to pay attention to this information as it’ll make a significant difference in the price and the resale value of a particular diamond.

Are Lab Diamonds Real?

The answer is yes. Lab-grown diamonds are as real as natural ones mined from the earth. They come in sizes, shapes, colors, and clarity grades like natural diamonds. Both lab and natural diamonds have similar chemical and physical properties, and they all come with diamond certifications.

Is A Lab-Grown Diamond Good?

Yes. If it’s perfectly cut, a diamond can be pretty expensive and rare, regardless of whether it’s lab-made or natural. Both lab and natural diamonds display different amounts of internal inclusions and are graded correctly by professional gemological labs. Low-quality lab or natural diamonds may exhibit inclusions visible to the naked eyes.

It’s important to note that the color and cut of a particular diamond are essential in determining whether the diamond is of poor quality, good, or perfect.

better diamond

Which Diamond Should You Buy: Man-Made Or Natural?

It isn’t easy to choose which diamond you should purchase. However, it doesn’t matter which type of diamond you should buy if you’re after appearance, particularly when hunting for a stunning engagement ring, since no one will be able to tell the difference between the two anyway. Nevertheless, there are some things to consider when determining the better choice, including:

  • Price: Lab diamonds’ cost is unpredictable. In the past, lab diamonds were more costly than natural ones. However, this has changed with lab diamonds selling at a lower price than natural diamonds due to the limited supply of natural ones. It takes many years for nature to create natural diamonds, while it only takes some days or weeks to develop a lab diamond. Due to the high supply of artificial diamonds, their price goes down from time to time.
  • Look: As said, you can’t tell the difference between artificial and natural diamonds just by looking at them. While there can be some inclusions in lab diamonds absent in natural diamonds, they’re rarely invisible unless under magnification tools. Both lab and natural diamonds are perfect and shine the same. Therefore, lab diamonds are a great cheaper option if you’re after aesthetics.
  • Value: The difference in the resale value of manufactured diamonds is more significant than the price. Typically, natural diamonds retain more than half the buying price, while lab diamonds might retain less than half.


Lab-grown and earth-grown diamonds are both high-value gems. They appear and feel the same. When put before you, you won’t be able to tell the difference. This makes it hard to tell which is better than which. Nevertheless, you can conclude on the best type of diamond for you depending on price, value, look, and sustainability. A natural diamond is the right one for you if you’re after value. But, if you’re after beauty, go for lab diamond as it looks like a natural one, but comes at a lower price.