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Diseases & Cures

Treat Leucoderma with Homeopathy

Vitiligo, aka leucoderma, is a quite common skin disorder. It affects 2-3% of people around the world. (Source: Research Gate). White spots or patches appear on the skin, which are caused by destruction of the pigment cells in those areas. Vitiligo can affect any area of skin. But it appears most commonly on the backs of hands and elbows, as well as around the mouth, eyes, rectum and genitals.

Causes of leucoderma

Inheritance is a definite etiologic factor because about 30% of patients with leucoderma have family members with the same condition. (Source: Research Gate) The onset is usually between 10-30 years. (Source: Consumer Health Digest)

Types of vitiligo

There are two types of vitiligobased on the distribution of lesions.

  • Segmental vitiligo: In this type of vitiligo, it affects only one side of the body and lesions do not expand with time.
  • Non-segmental vitiligo: Hypo pigmented lesions of vitiligo affect both sides of the body without any specific differentiation. Lesions expand with time.

Getting the diagnosis of vitiligo skin disease

Having a diagnosis of vitiligo depends on a number of aspects:

  • The location of the patches on your body
  • How noticeable the vitiligo patches are
  • Your age
  • Family situation

Vitiligo may not be very noticeable. As it does not hurt, perhaps you will regard the condition as an annoyance rather than anything else. For others, the diagnosis can come as a tremor. Quite often, people describe feeling unreal, or a sense of detachment, or time standing still. They might wonder “Why me” a thousand times and disregard to do anything about it. You might have your own way of managing such difficult situations. But when you see the doctor, it might be helpful to:

  • Note down questions before you go. This might help you to feel in control of the consultation and to make sure your concerns are dealt with.
  • Share your anxiety with a reliable person who can help you to make sense of the information later and be an emotional support.
  • Learn about vitiligo disease. It will help you in making the right decision for vitiligo treatment.

Once you are diagnosed with vitiligo skin disease, it is important to accept the condition for a positive treatment outcome. Getting involved with people who have suffered or are suffering from vitiligo disease and knowing how they have coped with the condition would also help immensely in developing lost confidence.

Homeopathic treatment for leucoderma

Homeopathy treats the person as a whole. Homeopathic treatment focuses on determining the root cause of leucoderma. The homeopathic medicines are carefully chosen after a detailed examination and case-analysis. This includes the medical history of the patient, physical and mental condition, etc.

14 leucoderma patients were assessed and provided customized homeopathy treatment. 35.7% of these patients experienced moderate relief or improved completely. (Source: NCBI)

Homeopathic remedies for leucoderma

Sepia: Sepia is an essential remedy in the record that’s selected constitutionally in vitiligo skin treatment. One of the constitutional symptoms that signals the use of sepia is portraying an indifferent approach towards life and loved ones. They show dislike towards relatives and friends. They lack interest in doing any work. The tendency to prevent both bodily or mental labour is present. They are always unhappy with noticeable irritability, wish to be alone and exhibit a dislike for comfort or compassion.

Baryta Carbonicum: This is one of the most effective homeopathic medicines for leucoderma with burning sensations.

Baryta Muriatica: This is one of the most indicated homeopathic medicines for leucoderma having small spots.

Silicea: Silicea is helpful with leucoderma when carefully chosen according to the constitutional makeup of the individual. The symptoms that indicate using Silicea are:

  • Pale and waxy skin
  • Tendency of excessive perspiration on feet and hands
  • Eruptions with pus formation
  • Tendency to catch a cold regularly
  • Lean bodily makeup

Sulfur: Sulfur is a deep acting medication used regularly in the treatment of skin ailments, including vitiligo. It goes deep within the simple root cause to defeat the skin disease to its complete extent.

Carcinosin: It’s one of the widely used remedies for ailments like vitiligo (leucoderma). Homeopathy considers that inherent vulnerability is typically the source of an extensive variety of disorders. Carcinosin is one such homeopathic remedy that is used to efficiently fight these hereditary propensities.

Hydrocotyle Asiatica: This is a good remedy for vitiligo. It triggers the process of pigmentation.

Calcarea Carb: Calcarea Carb is a homeopathic medicine for vitiligo. It’s prescribed to patients of vitiligo with milky white spots/patches on the skin. In homeopathy, constitutional symptoms are given greatest significance while picking medicine in any specific case.

Arsenicum Sulfuratum Flavum: This is one of the leading homeopathic medicines for leukoderma, especially on the left wrist.

Remember not to self-medicate. It’s always advised to consult an expert homeopathic doctor to get a customized treatment plan.

At Dr Batra’s™, they have treated over 45,000 skin cases successfully. Thus, they can ensure a safe solution for leucoderma. The treatment is chiefly meant to stop or slow down the further destruction of melanocytes and stimulate re-pigmentation in the current patches. Their team of expert homeopathic doctors, dermatologists and nutritionists work in accord to make sure the best for each case.

Visit your nearest homeopathy clinic for effective and safe leucoderma treatmentwhich gives long-lasting relief with zero side-effects.

Self-help tips:

  • Protect your skin: Use a sunscreen lotion, preferably with SPF 30. It helps protect your skin from sunburn and long-term damage. Sunscreen also reduces tanning. This makes the contrast between normal and depigmented skin less seeming.
  • Hide imperfections: Cosmetics that cover the white patches on skin might improve appearance and help you feel better about yourself. These cosmetic products might be mainly effective if one has vitiligo that is limited to the exposed areas of the body. Speak to a doctor about cosmetics that are safe and also suit the affected individual’s skin best.
  • Avoid getting a tattoo: Damage to your skin like that triggered by a tattoo, might cause a new patch of vitiligo to appear within two weeks.