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Retinal Detachment

Retinal detachment is the separation of the retina from the supportive tissue. This is the serious condition in which partial or total blindness occurs.

  • signs and symptoms of retinal detachment
  • causes of retinal detachment
  • pathophysiology of retinal detachment
  • diagnosis of retinal detachment
  • treatments for retinal detachment
  • prognosis of retinal detachment
  • complications of retinal detachment
  • retinal detachment    and ayurveda
  • nidana- ayurvedic causes of retinal detachment
  • purvaroopam- ayurvedic premonitory symptoms of retinal detachment
  • samprapti – ayurvedic pathogenesis of retinal detachment
  • lakshana- ayurvedic signs and symptoms of retinal detachment
  • ayurvedic prognosis of retinal detachment
  • chikitsa- ayurvedic treatment for retinal detachment
  • ayurvedic samana treatment for retinal detachment
  • ayurvedic shodhana treatment for retinal detachment
  • commonly used ayurvedic products medicines for retinal detachment
  • home remedies for retinal detachment
  • diet and behaviour for retinal detachment
  • yoga for retinal detachment
  • research papers of ayurvedic management of retinal detachment

Signs and Symptoms of Retinal Detachment   

  • Blurred vision
  • Distorted vision
  • Impaired colour vision
  • Seeing spots (eye floaters)
  • Inability to see in dim light
  • Loss of vision
  • Tunnel vision
  • Sensitivity to light

Causes of Retinal Detachment

  • Traumatic injuries
  • Age-related degenerations
  • Genetic factors
  • Family history
  • Myopia
  • Previous eye surgeries
  • Other retinal diseases

Pathophysiology of Retinal Detachment

Due to the above-mentioned causes, retinal detachment, tear, macular degeneration, a macular hole may occur. Retinal detachment is one of the complications of diabetic retinopathy. In the case of diabetic retinopathy, uncontrolled diabetes can lead to the blockage of the tiny blood vessels that nourish the retina, so blood supply in the retina obstructed. As a result, the eye attempts to grow new blood vessels. But these new blood vessels don’t develop properly and can leak easily.

Diagnosis of retinal detachment   

  • Diagnosis through clinical features
  • Vision tests
  • Examination of retina

Treatments for retinal detachment

  • Treatment for underlying pathology
  • Antidiabetic medications and Insulin therapy for diabetic retinopathy
  • Laser treatment
  • Air  injecting into the eyes

Prognosis of retinal detachment   

  • A good prognosis is through surgical correction. Untreated retinal detachment leads to complications.

complications of retinal detachment  

  • Complete loss of vision

Retinal detachment and ayurveda

  • In Ayurveda, retinal detachment is managed based on “kacha chikilsa”
  • Diabetic retinopathy, known as ‘madhumehajanya timira’, is one of the leading cause of retinal detachment.

Nidana- ayurvedic causes of retinal detachment     

  • Excess consumption of  unwholesome food
  • Agantu factors – traumatic injuries
  • Other eye diseases – netrarogas

Purvaroopam- ayurvedic premonitory symptoms of retinal detachment     

  • Blurred vision

Samprapti – ayurvedic pathogenesis of retinal detachment  

Due to the nidanas, doshas become vitiated and get sthanasamsraya (accumulation) in the eyes and symptoms of kacha manifested. When the excess dosha accumulates in the eyes of persons with uncontrolled diabetes, the ‘madhumehajanya timira’ manifests. If madhumehajanya timira untreated, leads to retinal detachment.

Lakshana- ayurvedic signs and symptoms of retinal detachment

  • Diminished  vision – heena drishti
  • Syava varna darsana  – blackish or greyish spots in the vision

Ayurvedic prognosis of retinal detachment

  • Retinal detachment due to traumatic injuries are difficult to cure – krichramutratha

Chikitsa- ayurvedic treatment for retinal detachment

ayurvedic samana treatment for retinal detachment

  • Internal administration of triphala churna along with honey
  • Triphaladi Ghana vati
  • Saptamrita loha
  • Netra bandha with Kadalikandha
  • Padabhyanga with Ksheerabala taila
  • Netra seka with kwatha of Triphala, Yastimadhu, Lodra and Musta
  • Bidalaka with Triphalachoorna and Rasanjana
  • Shirodhara (Takradhara) with vasaguduchyadikwatha
  • Tarpana with Mahatriphala ghrita

Internal medicines to control diabetes in diabetic retinopathy;

  • Nishakatakadi kashayam
  • Nishamalaka churna
  • Aveera beeja churna
  • Vasantha kusumakara ras
  • Kataka khadiradi kashayam
  • Chandra prabha gulika
  • Lodhrasavam  – after food
  • Amrita mehari churna
  • Kanmada bhasma
  • Shivagulika

Ayurvedic shodhana treatment for retinal detachment

  • Virechana – purgation
  • Vasthi – medicated enema
  • Nasya – anutaila, durvadi ghrita, shatbindhu taila

commonly used ayurvedic medicines for retinal detachment   

  • Triphaladi Ghana vati
  • Saptamrita loha

To control diabetes in diabetic retinopathy;

  • Nishakatakadi kashayam
  • Nishamalaka churna
  • Aveera beeja churna
  • Vasantha kusumakara ras
  • Kataka khadiradi kashayam
  • Chandra prabha gulika
  • Lodhrasavam
  • Amrita mehari churna
  • Kanmada bhasma
  • Shivagulika

Home remedies for retinal detachment

  • Exercise regularly
  • Intake of Indian gooseberry with turmeric powder and honey

Research papers of ayurvedic management of retinal detachment

  1. An Ayurvedic Protocol to Manage Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachment and the Resultant Macular Hole – A Case Report
  2. Ayurvedic Management of  diabetic retinopathy
  3. Diabetic retinopathy and its management in ayurveda- a special case report