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How You Can Evade Ingrown Toenails?

Anyone who has ever suffered an ingrown toenail can narrate their severe painful experience. While many factors can result in this condition, the fact is that ingrown toenails are a debilitating condition that can affect your quality of life. Furthermore, if ignored, ingrown toenails can affect your mobility when severely. But this doesn’t mean that this foot issue is inevitable, but you can overcome it with ingrown toenails pico robertson, beverly hills treatments. While advanced treatment options can give you relief within a few sessions, avoiding the occurrence of ingrown toenails can be your best option for your safety.

Understanding ingrown toenails

This condition usually occurs when a toenail grows in the skin neighboring it. Although many people ignore it during the first stages, ingrown toenails can result in infections or swelling. This painful condition can lead to pus development under the swollen area, necessitating the need to seek medical help instantly. Surprisingly, once you get one case of an ingrown toenail, there is an increased probability that you can get more in the long run. This is why it’s important to incorporate measures to protect your feet against this painful condition. The following tips will help you avoid getting ingrown toenails.

Trim your nails properly

The way you trim your nails is critical in preventing ingrown toenails. People who trim their nails too short, in a round shape, or unevenly have a higher risk of suffering from ingrown toenails. However, to stay safe, you should trim your nails straight without taking too much of the nail. This is usually because your nails are directly attached to the surrounding skin, and when affected, they impact the skin and can cause infections or swelling.

Wear appropriate footwear

Another leading cause of ingrown toenails is trauma. It can occur when you drop something heavy on your foot or because of an injury. Therefore, if you work in an environment that can cause trauma, you should guard your feet by wearing appropriate shoes that can protect your feet. In such a case, you can wear shoes like steel-toed boots.

Constantly keep your feet clean and dry

Dirty and wet feet can result in ingrown toenails, especially if you have an opening in the area between your nails and the surrounding skin. The bacteria can penetrate the opening and may cause severe symptoms of ingrown toenails, like pain and swelling. Therefore, you should keep your feet neat and dry to avoid ingrown toenails.

Watch out for problems

Every time you clean or trim your nails, it’s important that you look out for any signs of ingrown toenails. Diabetic individuals are more likely to develop foot health problems, including ingrown toenails. This is usually because high blood sugar causes nerve damage which can lead to loss of feeling. You should often check your feet to ensure that none of your nails put extra pressure on the surrounding skin. Ingrown toenails can develop without you feeling them, resulting in a more severe condition.

Considering the negative consequences of ingrown toenails, you shouldn’t snub the need to have your feet checked by any expert often. While independently detecting all the symptoms of ingrown toenails can be challenging, you should visit your podiatrist frequently for checkups. Furthermore, ingrown toenails can be managed and treated, so there is no further reason to worry.