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Health & Fitness Wellness

Avoid These Foods If You Are Identified With Hypothyroidism

Certainly, your diet and lifestyle can play an effective role when it comes to managing health conditions such as hypothyroidism. Diet is the source of nutrients; however, many times, the diet can interfere with the normal function of thyroid glands. Furthermore, the nutrients present in diet can also affect the ability of your body to utilize thyroid hormones.

Your diet is definitely a controllable factor, and it can really help to bring meaningful improvement along with medication. Learning how food can interfere with your thyroid working is essential from getting into a worse condition.

Foods To Avoid

The nutrients found in certain foods might suppress thyroid hormones even more. Therefore, especially if you are dealing with a thyroid condition, hypothyroidism, then you should better be cautious of foods that you need to avoid. Here is the list of common routine foods that one should avoid with hypothyroidism.

1. Alcohol

Thyroid problems are very common among Americans. Alcohol abuse can certainly interfere with this condition and make it even worse. Drinking too much alcohol may further suppress the ability of thyroid glands to produce hormones. It might also interfere with the body’s natural ability to use hormones. Thus for those with hypothyroidism, alcohol is a big no.

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2. Coffee

Studies suggest that when you take coffee and hormone replacement medications, the coffee nullifies its effectiveness in the body. As a result, the medication is left useless. Thus it is very important to limit the intake of coffee, especially if you are taking thyroid medications.

Taking a cup or two would not bring any harm, but you have to be very careful about the timing. Make sure that you are not taking medication and coffee at one time. Ensure that there is a gap of at least an hour or half an hour between medication and coffee.

3. Foods With Soy

Many studies suggest that soy has the ability to interfere with thyroid medication. There are flavones present in soy that might inhibit the natural ability of the body to absorb and utilize thyroid medications. Thus it is better to avoid soy-based food if you have hypothyroidism.

In case if you are taking food with soy, then it is better to ensure a gap of four hours between meal and medication. It is better to consult your doctor as he can give the right suggestion based on your condition.

4. Cruciferous Vegetables

You must also avoid some cruciferous vegetables if you have hypothyroidism. Cruciferous vegetables such as Brussels sprout, cabbage, and cauliflower can impact the hormone-producing ability of thyroid glands. It can also interfere with the body’s ability to absorb iodine.

Experts believe that cruciferous vegetables do have a tendency to interfere with thyroid functioning but only when it is taken in huge amounts. Therefore, cooking these vegetables can make it less interfering. Also, you may also take care of the portion size if you have a condition of hypothyroidism.

5. Gluten

Those who have hypothyroidism must also look to avoid gluten-based food. Gluten is commonly found in bread and pasta. A gluten-free diet is considered effective against conditions such as hypothyroidism. Even if you are taking gluten food, make sure that you are taking it less often and make sure to take it in the whole form.

Gluten can irritate your small intestine and inhibit its ability to absorb hormone replacements used as medication. Interestingly, hypothyroidism and gluten intolerance disease, celiac disease are often present together. Consult with your physician about gluten intake in your diet.

6. Fatty Food

If you are diagnosed with hypothyroidism, then you must look to avoid fatty food. Fatty foods are rich in unhealthy saturated fats, and these possess a great ability to suppress the natural ability of thyroid glands to produce hormones.

Even if you are on medication, fatty food can inhibit the ability to absorb these hormone replacements. You are more likely to experience weight gain with the intake of fatty food coupled with thyroid problems. Make sure to avoid fatty food in any form, such as butter and deep-fried food.

7. Sugary Food

As a diabetic person, a hypothyroidism patient must also take notice of sugar intake. It is not a good idea to eat large portions of sugary food if you are dealing with hypothyroidism. With hypothyroidism, a person has to deal with low metabolism.

You are likely to gain more weight if you are not watchful of your sugar intake. Excessive intake of sugary food, when paired with hypothyroidism, is a sure way to end up in undesirable weight conditions such as for overweight and obesity.

8. Processed Food

Processed food has fewer nutrients to offer. Packaged foods are packed with a high ratio of sodium that makes it extremely hazardous for hypothyroidism patients. One should avoid processed food, but those with hypothyroidism should take extra caution.

Excess sodium intake increases the risk of hypertension. A hypothyroidism person who is already at increased risk of hypertension must take care of sodium intake. Processed foods have huge amounts of hidden salt, and a person might unintentionally take large quantities of sodium.

9. Fiber-Rich Food

Though fiber has no serious harm, one must avoid it with hypothyroidism. Generally, fiber-rich food is very beneficial for health. The only reason to avoid it is that it might interrupt the absorption of hormone replacement. You might also consult your physician regarding daily fiber intake.

Take Away

In addition to hormone replacement medications, another effective way to deal with hypothyroidism is through diet management. Avoiding food with nutrients that interrupt the absorption of medications is necessary and helps to treat the condition.