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Common mistakes to avoid when growing autoflowering cannabis seeds

Growing cannabis is easier said than done. That’s because burying autoflowering seeds and waiting for them to grow isn’t enough. If you want to get into cannabis cultivation, you need to understand the dynamics and understand where to autoflower seeds to produce quality marijuana. So, a single mistake could lead to the wastage of resources.

Many growers begin the cultivation of marijuana with so much anticipation. However, during the harvest time, they end up disappointed by the low-quality yields. Simple mistakes result in failed harvests. For example, the marijuana plants delicately require particular nutrients and PH, which new growers ignore.

To bid goodbye to a lousy harvest and gain incredible results, we have prepared a few mistakes to avoid cultivating cannabis.

1. Fertilizer application

Cannabis is a sensitive plant that requires a specific amount of nutrients and particular soil types. Most beginners lack this and buy whatever fertilizer they think is ideal.

Be sure you know the number of nutrients your marijuana requires at each stage of the cycle. During flowering, the cannabis plants need more phosphorus and nitrogen in other phases of the cycle.

You’ll forget about low quality and quantity yields once you get it right with the fertilizers. Producing high-quality plants will enable you to process other cannabis products like oils, CBD gummies, and CBD pills.

2. Wrong choice of soil

Your soil may be suitable for other plants but may not be ideal for your marijuana plants. To maximize your yields, you need to consider getting nutrients absent in your garden soil.

Here’s how most marijuana growers go wrong with the soil

  • Reusing potting soils
  • Using soil without nutrients
  • Using contaminated soils

The ideal soil for growing autoflower seeds should be:

  • light and airy

Soil that has a light, airy structure probably mixed with some perlite is ideal for the germination of your autoflowering cannabis seeds. That way, roots will grow unhindered with adequate draining. Weed seeds don’t do well in dense soil.

  • Contain nutrients

Apart from unique soil mixes meant for propagation, it is essential to pre-fertilize your soil before burying autoflowering seeds into the groundAuto-flowering cannabis plants require more nutrients than photoperiodic strains.

  • Free of contaminants

Avoid using soils of questionable quality or those that carry dirt from your garden. Reused soils from previous plants may contain pests and fungi. You can count on trusted brands to get good quality potting soils.

However, if you have to reuse the old soil, make sure you refresh it with nutrients after confirming the absence of contaminants.

Don’t forget to check the soil texture as it anchors the plant holding it firm to facilitate growth. Check the PH levels of your soil before you buy marijuana seeds. Some marijuana strains do well in certain PH conditions while others may not. Visit to find quality autoflowering weed seeds at discounted prices.

3. Unfavorable climate

Whether you cultivate indoors, outdoors, or in a greenhouse, you need to understand your grow area’s climate. Quality cannabis requires optimum humidity and temperature levels.

If your garden is too hot or cold, the side effects are noticeable easily. Scorching temperatures will lead to heat stress, leaving the leaves curled and the plant weak. Persistent heat will eventually wither out the plants or produce unhealthy buds. On the other hand, cold temperatures will result in stunted growth. Although marijuana can withstand harsh climates, however, that may not be routine.

Remember to keep the humidity of your garden low. Autoflowering cannabis seeds may require high humidity content, but as they grow, humidity should decrease. It’s ideal to start at 60% then lower it off to 40%. You can control the humidity using intake and outtake fans and using dehumidifiers.

4. Overfeeding marijuana plants

Most novice cannabis growers overfeed their plants, leaving them wondering why the plant grows daily, but don’t produce buds fast enough. Unlike animals, more food for cannabis is not equal to fast growth. Overfeeding your plants can destroy your garden.

You can feed your plants with either organic or inorganic components. Organic nutrients are the safest. However, in case you don’t achieve the results, you can use inorganic nutrients. Follow the instructions on the fertilizers, and be sure to start low and slow. Overfeeding your plants may result in the death of the plant or low yields.

5. Harvesting too late or too early

Even if you’ve done everything right in the initial stages, the harvest stage can ruin your cannabis cultivation project. The most efficient way to tell it’s time to harvest is to check the color of the small trichomes on your buds.

It’s way too early harvest if you notice the trichomes are clear or have turned into a white, cloudy color. The best time to harvest is when you notice cloudy white trichomes with a portion turning amber blue. It’s too late to harvest whenever you see most trichomes turning amber/reddish.

Final words

Cannabis is not your ordinary plant. However, you don’t need rocket science to cultivate the plant successfully. Avoiding those errors with the advice on this article will come in handy to ensure you have a plentiful harvest. You can buy autoflowering seeds at unbeatable prices from us today.