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8 Warning Signs of Hernia

Signs of Hernia – A hernia occurs once an organ presses through a weakened muscle and winds up in an abnormal location, particularly the abdomen and groin. Numerous factors can cause hernias, ranging from heavy lifting and chronic coughs to surgical procedures. Although most hernias manifest as a noticeable bulge in the belly, some are completely undetectable. Hernias are hazardous if left uncorrected, so it is important to pay attention to any changes that may occur. Here are some of the warning signs that hernia Dallas specialist Dr. Michael Sutker recommends keeping an eye out for.

1. Unexpected or Intensifying pain

Some signs of Hernia are accompanied by discomfort, weakness, or heaviness. If you have unexpected or rapidly intensifying discomfort, it may indicate strangulation, a serious hernia complication.

The organ pressing through the muscle wall does not receive blood for patients with a strangulated hernia. This situation is immediately life-threatening and demands medical attention.

2. Discolored Hernia Bulge

The lump from a hernia will usually be the same color as your skin. However, it may be a warning sign if it suddenly turns purple, red, or a much darker shade than your normal skin. If your hernia is not receiving blood, your skin might turn color.

3. Nausea Or Vomiting

Hernias frequently involve digestion organs, from the stomach through the intestines. If you have a serious hernia, the damaged organ could become stuck in the muscle wall. This condition is known as an incarcerated hernia and could lead to digestive problems such as upset stomach, vomiting, and nausea.

4. Fever

While individual body temperatures somewhat vary, the typical body temperature is approximately 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. Temperatures exceeding 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit indicate a fever in adults. You could have a strangulated hernia if you experience a fever and other hernia symptoms.Fever

5. Constipation

The difficulty in passing bowels or gas may be a symptom of your hernia. Constipation and intestinal blockage could result from a hernia trapping a section of the intestine. Indigestion, a sense of heaviness, or a shift in bowel habits are all possible side effects.

6. Heartburn

Several conditions could induce heartburn, but a hernia is one possibility. A hiatal hernia in the upper abdominal area could result in heartburn-like symptoms and chest tightness. The hernia permits stomach acid to flow to the esophagus, resulting in irritation that mirrors heartburn.

7. Feeling Full

A person with an inguinal hernia may feel as though they have consumed a massive meal while, in fact, they have not. This extremely frequent form of a hernia could also cause bloating and discomfort in the lower abdomen and groin.

8. Discomfort In The Pelvic Region

Since they seldom produce a protrusion, some hernias in women are misdiagnosed as ovarian cysts, endometriosis, or fibroids due to the location of discomfort. Even though they could produce discomfort in the back or leg, an MRI is typically necessary to diagnose these tiny but extremely uncomfortable hernias. Females are also susceptible to umbilical hernias close to the belly button.

If you suspect you got a hernia, you should not disregard it! Only a diagnosis can determine the severity of your hernia and if you require surgery to address it. Michael Sutker, MD, specializes in the da Vinci® surgical system to perform minimally invasive hernia repairs, allowing you to return to your daily activities immediately. Schedule an initial consultation through mobile or book online to discuss your concerns and explore available care solutions.