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Hair Care

7 Home Remedies For Dry Itchy Scalp

Dry itchy scalp is a quite common skin condition that young people these days have experienced due to many internal and external factors. If you choose to wash your hair with a harsh shampoo since you think it eases down the dryness and itchiness for your scalp, you better follow this article to get 7 precious  remedies for dry scalp. You can thank me later. Let’s get started!

Dry itchy scalp: What makes it happen? 

Many people still have wrong perceptions about hair conditions that dry scalp, itchy scalp and flaky scalp are the same. However, each of them is caused by many different things, and they need different treatments to get rid of. In reality, it is rare to see them to happen separately; they often go hand in hand. For example, dry scalp always causes itchiness and flaking.

The main reason resulting in a dry itchy scalp is dandruff. I believe each of us have experienced it at least once in our lives. It is a common inflammatory skin condition happening when there is buildup on your scalp. It not only suffocates your hair follicles but also pulls your hair down. The prolonged buildup or dandruff, for a long time, will lead to a dry itchy scalp.

Besides, there are some internal and external factors causing dry itchy scalp. It might happen due to your age (since your skin ages, it becomes drier) or skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, or acnes and anxiety. External factors can be changes in weather, hard ingredients in hair care products, bad hair care habits such as showering in hot water, over/under hair washing, drinking insufficient amounts of water.

How to treat dry scalp naturally?

Using a shampoo specialized to battle dry itchy scalp such as anti dandruff shampoo is the first step you need to take. A hair conditioner should not be skipped in your hair care routine as well. Plus, refreshing yourself with a good mental health helps decrease scalp dryness and itchiness.

Additionally, we can use some ingredients easily found in your kitchen or supermarket to get some natural remedies for dry scalp and hair. Below are 7 easy dry scalp remedies you would regret for not knowing it before.

1. Tea tree oil + Coconut/Shea butter oil

Tea tree oil is well-known for its antifungal and antibacterial properties while coconut or shea butter is commonly used in dry scalp treatments. This dry scalp remedy is great to get rid of dead skin on your scalp, dandruff and keep your scalp moisturized.

Recipe and directions

  • 1 tbsp of each type of oil.
  • Add 3 drops of lemon juice and mix them together.
  • Apply the mixture and massage your scalp in a circular motion for 20 – 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it off and wash your hair with lukewarm water
  • Do it 3 times a week to see the flakes and dandruff to vanish after a wash

2. Baking soda + Peppermint oil

Baking soda helps reduce itching by dry scalp thanks to antifungal and antibacterial benefits. Peppermint oil is added to give a good aroma for scalp massage, and it helps prevent hair loss too. This natural treatment for dry scalp should be done as below:

Recipe and directions

  • Mix 3 tbsp of baking soda with lukewarm water until it turns to a thick paste.
  • Add 3 drops of peppermint oil and mix them together.
  • Part your hair in sections, apply the paste and massage your scalp in a circular motion for 20 – 30 minutes.
  • Rinse it off and wash your hair with a gentle shampoo and lukewarm water
  • Do it once or twice a week for a better result.

3. Apple cider vinegar for dry scalp:

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a quite common ingredient in our kitchens. It can be used to lower the pH level of the oily scalp to close the hair cuticles and reduce hair frizziness.

Recipe and directions

  • Mix half a cup of ACV with a cup of lukewarm water.
  • Soak your hair in this mixture for 5 to 10 minutes.
  • Wash your hair with some tomato juice to remove the vinegar smell (it helps to enhance new hair growth, reduce acne scalp and treats dry scalp thanks to its rich source of vitamin C and A).
  • Rinse it off and wash your hair with gentle and lukewarm water. A bar soap for dry skin is recommended if your scalp is not the only body’s area that has dry skin.
  • Do it once or twice a week for a better result.

4. Banana and avocado

Normally, this combination is a great smoothie for summer. They are also good for dry scalp remedies. Banana’s antimicrobial properties help reduce dandruff and dry itchy hair. Additionally, it is rich in silica which is a mineral element that enhances the collagen synthesization to make your hair healthier and stronger. Avocado is added in this combination to provide the moisture for your dry scalp thanks to its fatty acid. This should be the best home remedy for dry scalp.

Recipe and directions

  • Mash half of a banana and half of an avocado and mix them together.
  • Add 3-4 tbsp of plain milk to make it not too thick.
  • Apply this paste, massage your scalp and let it sit for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with lukewarm water and wash your hair with a gentle shampoo.

5. Yogurt and eggs

This is one of the best extremely dry scalp home remedies that I’d suggest to you. The combination is a superfood for your dry scalp treatment. Yogurts helps soothe your dry scalp and removes all dead skin while the protein and fat in eggs releases dry scalp symptoms, softens your hair and promotes hair luster.

Recipe and directions

  • Mix a tbsp of plain, unflavoured yogurt with 1 fresh egg.
  • Apply the mixture and massage your scalp for 10 minutes.
  • Rinse it off with cold water so as not to cook the egg.

6. Witch hazel

Witch hazel is undoubtedly famous for dry itchy scalp treatments thanks to its benefits of easing inflammation, soothing dry scalp symptoms and reducing scalp irritation.

Recipe and directions

  • Mix 3 tbsp of witch hazel liquid with 3 tbsp of carrier oil such as jojoba or argan oil .
  • Apply the mixture and massage your scalp for 10 minutes.
  • Cover your hair with a cap and let it sit for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse it off and wash your hair with a gentle shampoo.

7. Aspirin

It contains a form of salicylic acid. It is what helps dry scalp to reduce dandruff easily, gets rid of dead skin cells and removes grease on your scalp. As a result, this extremely dry scalp home remedy enhances your hair’s luster, promotes new hair growth and reduces the itchiness and dryness for your scalp.

Recipe and directions

  • Grind 2 pills of aspirin into powder and mix with an olive-sized portion of shampoo.
  • Massage your scalp in a circular motion in 20 minutes.
  • Apply a conditioner for a better result.

The bottom line

Dry itchy scalp is an unwanted scalp condition that no one desires to experience. However, if it happens, there are 7 home remedies for dry scalp and hair for you to treat this annoying condition. Those ingredients are quite easy to find in your kitchen and supermarket, and they are not expensive at all. Besides applying those natural remedies for dry scalp, your bad hair care habits, anxiety due to stress of work, living environment, or bad lifestyle should be concerned and changed to have a healthier body in general.

If you have a good result by applying my dry scalp remedies or other natural dandruff treatments, please share in the comment box below. I would love to hear from you.