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Top Rings & Ways to Propose to Your Girlfriend

It is time when you will be asking the biggest question of your life. She will be sharing this moment only with her mom, dad, siblings, relatives, friends, her Facebook list, Snapchat, and everyone else. Don’t sweat because we got your back. We will share eight ways to propose to your partner.

How to Propose to Your Girlfriend?

1. Destination Sunset

If you wish to make a memory out of your proposal and can afford it, we recommend flying her out to Santorini. It is a beautiful island where you can be together on a cliff facing the Mediterranean Sea during the sunset. It will tell her that you are her Mr. Right.

2. Local Yet Memorable

For a more local proposal idea, opt for your favorite place that is dear and loved by both of you. You can ask someone to click a photo of both of you. During the pose, go down on one knee and capture this surprisingly candid moment.

3. Scavenger Proposal 

You can take your girlfriend on a Scavenger that ends with you on one knee. You can leave a note or hint at her home which will take her to her favorite and a romantic place. Surprising and beautiful, isn’t it?

4. Nail It, Beach!

Not everyone is energetic all the time and you could be a laidback duo. Doing it on the beach will be perfect and beautiful. You both can go on a long walk on the sand and spend some time before going on one knee. You can also involve your families on this occasion, and it will become something she will relish for the rest of her life.

5. Sport the Proposal 

Girls are also into sports and you both can go to a baseball game. You can do it on the big screen, but to flow unconventionally, we would suggest you hiding customized boxes inside the ball and propose with the baseball. It will be held as a keepsake of your love.

6. Flow Lowkey 

You might be a lowkey couple who loves privacy and stays in themselves. You can do it at home by making a jigsaw puzzle with your pictures and words, “Will you be my wife?” Once the puzzle is fit together, go on your knee and do it. You can also play Scrabble, for that matter.

7. Mess with Her 

You can have a tad bit of fun and tease her before bringing her widest smile ever to life. You make it obvious and inquire about her ring size. Bring a ring-size chart with you and tease her until she feels that you have messed up the entire plan. At that moment, take the ring out of your pocket and tell her to try it on. Smooth, no?

8. Movie Style 

Every girl has a movie princess in her and dreams about having it the movie way. We would suggest re-enacting a scene from one of her favorite flicks. For instance, you can rent a limo and climb through its sunroof, proclaiming your feelings like Richard Gere from Pretty Woman.

The Type of Ring Best for You

Let’s talk about the ring you want to propose to your partner. People often misunderstand that engagement and wedding rings are the same. Both are different pieces of ornaments to mark various moments in your relationship. You both exchange rings at the wedding, whereas you give her a ring as a symbol of your love during proposing.

You need to know about the styles of engagement ring if you plan to make it perfect from every angle. We would be discussing the four most famous ring styles, which are as follows:

1. Solitaire Engagement Ring

It is referred to as the original style and has been a classic for ages. It comes with only one diamond and gives a graceful appearance with traditional roots.

2. Halo Engagement Ring

It is developed upon the Solitaire and frames the main stone with small and round rocks around it. It will help make your gem look more extensive and is an ideal option for men looking to embellish the ring with extra sparkle.

3. Shoulder-Set Engagement Ring

It provides a very fresh approach to the classic solitaire style with diamonds set into the bad. Extra rocks will surely be captivating and will not grab the limelight of the center stone.

4. 3-Stone Engagement Ring

This type of engagement ring has a prominent central stone with two smaller diamonds on the side. It represents three parts of your relationship: past, present, and future. To have a beautiful and thoughtful ring, you can get a three-stone engagement ring.

The End

The most traditional way is to get on one knee and place the ring on your partner’s finger. The main element is to confess your love and future to your partner no matter the place and ring. This article only adds to your manners glam.

If you have any special stories or more innovative ideas, please share them with us.