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6 Common Types of Prenatal Ultrasounds

Ultrasounds are vital diagnostic techniques in the medical field. It is a medical imaging method that uses high-frequency sound waves to capture images of internal body organs, structures, and tissues. Ultrasounds can detect, diagnose and monitor many disorders or health conditions. There are several types of ultrasounds, each suited for certain situations. To get the best results from your ultrasound exam, consult an ultrasound Memorial City specialist to know which type will be best for your needs. Below are five different common types of ultrasounds that can be helpful during certain stages of our pregnancy

1. Routine Ultrasound

Routine ultrasounds usually check for abnormalities in the fetus. They can also detect cardiac defects, placental problems, and fluid in the abdomen. During your routine ultrasounds, your doctor applies gel to the probe, places it on your skin, and moves it around for a better view.

In addition, routine ultrasounds can also detect multiple pregnancies and monitor the growth of the fetus. If you are expectant or have a high-risk pregnancy, consider getting a routine ultrasound to keep your health in check.

2. Transvaginal Ultrasound

A transvaginal ultrasound is usually effective during the early stages of pregnancy. It produces a clearer image compared to other types of pregnancy ultrasounds. Since capturing a clear image during the early stages of pregnancy is difficult, your doctor may recommend this procedure. They insert a small ultrasound probe into your vaginal opening during the procedure to have a clearer view of your uterus. It usually takes just a few minutes to complete and get your results.

3. Pelvic Ultrasound

Pelvic ultrasound can help detect an issue in your pelvic region. It can detect pelvic abnormalities such as cysts, tumors, and other growths. In addition, it can also help in monitoring your pregnancy, including the development of the fetus. If there is a problem with your pregnancy, your doctor may recommend an MRI scan. This imaging technique can help look at the fetus more closely and determine its health status.

4. Fetal Echocardiography

Fetal echocardiography is an imaging procedure that can help detect whether your unborn child has congenital heart defects. This test is similar to a traditional pregnancy test but usually takes longer. It captures several aspects of your child’s heart, including its size, shape, and structure. This ultrasound gives your doctor a clear image of how your child’s heart is functioning and can help in diagnosing a heart problem

5. Doppler Ultrasound

A Doppler ultrasound captures images of your child’s circulatory system during pregnancy. It captures images that show the direction and speed of your child’s blood flow through their veins, arteries, and heart.

A doppler ultrasound can also help detect circulatory problems with your child’s blood vessels and heart. If your doctor notices an issue, they might recommend various other tests to determine the severity of the condition.

6. Abdominal Ultrasound

Abdominal ultrasound helps examine the organs in your abdomen. It is a transducer that sends out a beam of sound waves and then receives echoes from different parts of your body. The ultrasound can examine your kidneys, liver, and other abdominal organs.

Your doctor will also use the ultrasound to check for growth problems, cramping or contractions, and other fetal complications. The results of this test will help the doctor determine if an amniocentesis is needed.

Pregnancy can be overwhelming, with many unexpected challenges. To be safe throughout your pregnancy and to avoid possible causes of miscarriage, consider getting any of the mentioned prenatal ultrasounds from your OB-GYN. They also offer gynecological ultrasounds that help diagnose reproductive health issues that might risk your unborn child’s health.